Monday, June 11, 2012

baby its raining!

Most people despise the kind of weather we are currently having. Needless to say i LOVE it. This kind of weather is one of my favourites. I don't really know how to explain it but i feel like consistant rain that lasts for days is really cleansing and in a way nourishing for the soul. It kind of forces you to stay inside and get things done, like the cleaning you've been putting off for weeks or cake you have been wanting to bake since you first saw the recipe. We all need down time and I have really been enjoying mine!
Today i have been pottering around and working with my camera a little more. I discovered a cool backdrop conveniently located in my room where i could create silhouettes and shadows. It's fun to experiment in the early stages of learning about photography. I also went for a walk during the half hour when it was bucketing down to see if i could capture anything interesting with my EF 50mm lense.

Here a few snapshots that i have edited slightly.


 Here i was trying to capture the moment when a drop hits the water surface and explodes.
I think i kind of got it but between juggling my camera, umbrella and phone i forgot to change to the macro setting.

Two hearts on the same path.

 This is my favourite of the day.

I really love the colour of the sky when it rains. It turns into a dirty cream colour and seems to make the rich blue of the ocean look even more intense. There is something peaceful about being next to the sea while it's raining.

Even if you hate the rain you will appreciate the sunny weather even more when it rolls around again. Until that day i hope you all stay cosy! 


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