Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Nutrition Religion.

So, apparently i'm dying.

Ok, that was perhaps a little bit dramatic. But according to every vegan, Paleo, vegetarian, gluten free, sugar free, dairy free, substance free and taste free blog writer, I am killing myself with what I eat.

Being a massive believer in nutritious food, I have been trying over the last year (admittedly, fairly halfheartedly) to find a "diet fad" that works for me. I've been looking for a regime to follow that leaves me satisfied, energised and happy. To say the least I am left feeling a little confused.

I feel like the super foodies of the inter webs are currently at war and they are using fear to harbour their beliefs. I click on a vegan page and i'm told that by putting death (such as a delicious piece of roast chicken) into my body I will promote unhealthiness and encourage negative energy in my body. Flick over to a Paleo inspired blog and I will be warned on the dangers of grain and dairy, whilst meat which has been previously demonised by the vegans becomes a wholesome and vitalising food source. Sugar is a devil food that will eat my soul and anything with saturated fats will give you an instant heart attack...

But wait! aren't saturated fats good for you now? WTF?! SOMEONE HAND ME A STICK OF BUTTER!

I think the saddest part is I now have a broken relationship with food. If i'm at a birthday party, and someone hands me a piece of cake, I can't help but think "I really shouldn't be eating this". Or if I go out for dinner and order desert I eat every single bite with remorse, fretting over the fact that it's "unhealthy". I believe ultimately these negative thoughts about occasional foods are worse than the occasional foods themselves.

The current era of nutrition religion is beginning to define us as individuals. I've taken note of how often people bring up what "diet" they follow within the first few minutes of meeting someone new. It's as though they feel they have to communicate this to verify who they are. Does it make me a sustenance atheist if I struggle to fit into any of these categories? I'm like the lost little lamb of the shepherds flock... (mmmmm lamb).

This is not supposed to be an attacking post about people who are passionate about what they put in their bodies. To be honest, I wish that I had the mental and physical control to only eat a certain way. I applaud their dedication and commitment. I just wish it wasn't so damn confusing.

In the meantime i'll continue to eat cake at birthdays and try to rekindle my romance with food..

image from Local Milk Blog.

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