Tuesday, October 30, 2012

going batty.

I've missed this lady.
Natasha Kahn, aka Bat For Lashes, has been off the scene for a couple of years now and it's so exciting to have her back.
Her latest album, The Haunted Man, is a beautiful example of her elaborate musical craftsmanship. The raw instruments, such as the flute used in Winter Fields, creates depth and texture. Her trade mark haunting, smokey vocals are intricately layered and rich, drawing you in and evoking the senses.
My personal favourite is "Laura".
Have a listen.

Monday, October 29, 2012

there is a door.

There is a door that is open wide,
I stand,
Just inside,
All my opportunities come at once,
They push and shove,
They jam together,
They are stuck.
Won't one of you push a little harder?
Make yourself clear!
I'm standing here,
I'm trying hard to reach a little further,
I want to pull you all through,
What to do?
Time is passing,
Here I stand,
Nothing yet planned.
Life is so bland.
I shut the door,
I just can't wait anymore.

Monday, October 22, 2012

a letter to my dog.

Dear Pippin,

You lay sleeping on "Daddy's" lap next to me on the couch as I write this. Your squishy little nose is twitching in the midst of some dream where you are probably chewing a bone or chasing your frisbee. You're kinda snoring and I want to pull on your whiskers and annoy you.

I wish you could understand me when I tell you how much I love you. I have never experienced love quite the same way as i have from you. You are never mad or angry at me and it's so nice that you are ridiculously excited to see me every time i walk in the door, even if I've only just gone out for 5 minutes.

You are always ready for a cuddle, especially when I'm feeling particularly at odds with the world. Your favourite spot to sit is in my lap and you always want to be near me, even when i've just been exercising and smell like old socks.

You don't care if i wear no make up and my hair looks like a birds nest in the morning. You don't mind if i forget to feed you at the same time every day and you don't judge me if I spill half my dinner on the floor every time i eat. Actually i think you like that about me because you come straight over and clean it up for me. Saves me a lot of mopping!

You are incredibly intelligent and I'm so impressed with how quickly you learn things! Sometimes i even think you understand what i'm saying to you because you give me a knowing look. Sometimes you just tilt your head to the side like you think I'm a crazy person.

Sometimes you chew my slippers and it upsets me a bit, but then you look at me with your goggly brown eyes and put your head on my knee and all the anger melts away.

Thank you for loving us unconditionally. I hope you feel as happy and loved being with us as we do being with you.

I love you my little squippies,
Love Mummy