Thursday, August 16, 2012

catching the curve balls.

I think it's really safe to say that the last 3 days have been an extremely low time for me. After always hearing the saying "bad things come in 3's" it turns out that now i can confirm this theory via personal experience.

On Wednesday the 15th i got a phone call from my Pa breaking the news that there have been cancerous mass's found on his liver and we are due to re-live the last six horrifying months all over again. Of course I am devastated to say the least as this whole damn thing just isn't fair. After the initial reaction of wanting to destroy everything in my path with a baseball bat i have since calmed down and allowed myself to re-assess everything with a clearer mind. I know we are being tested by Life and I know that for a while to come we will be fighting this battle with all we are worth. It's strange because initially you don't quite believe it and you kind of shut it out. You lie in bed and any thoughts of impending doom (which are unavoidable as we are only human) are blocked and pushed from your mind. It's almost a defence mechanism and a way of the brain saying "don't let these thoughts in because they will crush you". Thanks brain for making this possible, i owe you one.

On Thursday the 16th, after a heavy and exhausted sleep, christian and i had the luxury of a day off together and thought we would treat ourselves to breakfast in the sun. Once settled in the car with the dog in the back seat, christian turned the key in the ignition and we were greeted by the deafening sound of silence. The starter motor was completely dead and the battery nearly gone. Instead of poached eggs on toast with a cappuccino we found ourselves dishing out for a new starter motor, battery and a Lube Mobile call out fee which left the bank account considerably lighter to say the least. (despite this the call out mechanic was an absolute champ and helped out as much as possible).

Today, Friday the 17th, I have woken up with what I can only describe as the worst flu I have ever had. It feels as though there are mice living inside my nose and my head is full of sandbags. I'm not a catalyst for calling in sick but today, unfortunately, was unavoidable. So here I am sitting on the couch feeling sorry for myself, trying to warm my ice cold hands as the heater broke last week.

Alas! Life, don't be fooled. We're not as weak as we seem! I know now that bad things do come in threes and i'm hoping you are getting bored of watching me squirm. Also lets pray that your throwing arm is getting tired as i'm getting sick of the curve balls!

However if you decide to pitch a few more I have my baseball bat here and waiting to hit a home run!

Thank you all for letting me vent. I feel considerably better now.

Till next time..